I have a lot of fatal error when I change the options of this tool Uninstalling previous versions don't always remove everything. Works fine in , but I also want it to work in , which is also installed on my Mac, but the "universal installer" provided ignores it, and does not install bonus tools to the older installed version of Maya. I've installed the Bonus Tools for Maya 6, but I can't find the 3ds import. Crashes every time I change icon size in the layout window tried on different computers. 3dsimport mll

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The link to download should be at the following location, it may require you to log in before you can download it: When is the release of "Maya Bonus Tools" scheduled? Mac OS Win64 Linux. Autodesk Maya Bonus Tools Free.

Try doing a search on your C drive for 3dsimport and see if you have more than one on there somewhere. Does everything else in the bonus tools function? Is it slowing down?.

3dsimport mll

Bonus Tools is a free collection of useful Maya scripts and plug-ins. I have a lot of fatal error when I change the options of this tool I downloaded the Bonus Tools again to make sure.

Need 3dsimport.mll Site down...

Guangya Niu December 21, Add to Wishlist Create a new wishlist. I don't know how to force the cow to include my slashes C: I want to see my shaders library vray, arnold, maya shaders: View the wishlist Continue exploring. Maya doesn't support it. 3dsmiport we need the version of this plugin! What's the size and datestamp of the file?

Autodesk Maya Bonus Tools | Autodesk App Store

The file is KB in size and 3dsi,port date stamp is March 31, Each sub-menu contains a number of related 3dsimpoort. Try again with new installers. Tonarino Totoro June 15, Click Here to download directly or copy the download URL to your download manager For larger files, to use a download manager is highly recommended. What I mean is, if you have a previous version's 3dsimport file on your system, try renaming that one and leave your 6.

Where is the "3ds import" setting/plug-in for Bonus Tools

What's the file size of the zip you downloaded and what's its exact name? Any way to see them? After installing Bonus Tools, an additional pull-down menu will be added to the end of the main Maya menu. Nicolas 3dslmport June 04, Curve to Tube is broken in The same problem occurs, have you found a solution?

3dsimport mll

I was just referring to the "3dsImport. The auto unwrap UV's tool should work fine afterwards.

CGTalk | 3DS importing

Mine is located in the following directory: The size of the file you are about to download is more than M. I think the bonus tools should be part of each Maya releases.

3dsimport mll

Each of these can be torn off and floated just like standard Maya menus. Do you have multiple versions of Maya loaded?


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